Episode 1: “It’s the Tribes, Stupid”
Adevărul o să vă facă liberi, dar înainte de asta o să vă supere rău de tot. Restul e poveste!
The truth will set you free, but first it will hurt your bones. The rest is history!
Marry a man who you can talk with, who you can communicate with, and you marry happiness. (No, that’s not a quotation from one of those “smart” books that teach you how to manage your relationship. That is my acceptation and those are my words.)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Bun venit in Iad!
Iata un articol scris de un prieten care mi-a placut foarte mult. Scurt, dar la obiect. Si foarte adevarat!
May 8th, 2009 by Petre
Bun venit in Iad!
Ce sa-i faci… ghinionul… dar, acum daca tot esti in Iad…. ce ramane de facut?
Fii atent!
Cine stie, poate e o gluma. O gluma cosmica.
Cred ca Dumnezeu are simtul umorului. Adora momentele acelea de tip “Camera Ascunsa” cand, dupa socul initial, “victimele” realizeaza ca-i doar o gluma si izbucnesc in ras.
Asadar, fii atent la indicii. Daca esti atent, le gasesti la tot pasul.
Pus pe sotii, Dumnezeu ne lasa in fata ochilor o lume “distrusa” iar pe la spate adauga binecuvantare dupa binecuvantare curios sa vada cate poate pune pana sa ne dam seama si sa izbucnim in ras.
De aceea persoanele “trezite” sunt mai tot timpul cu zambetul pe buze. Stiu gluma!
Se mai naruie o dorinta, mai pleaca cineva drag de langa ei, pierd ceva sau se dau cu capul de un prag. Si totusi, cei “treziti” stiu, stiu fara nici un dubiu ca totul e o mare gluma.
Zambesc si incep sa se uite in jur: “Ce-ai mai pregatit pentru mine Doamne? Iar te tii de sotii… Ce? Crezi ca n-am vazut curcubeul ala de ieri?”
May 8th, 2009 by Petre
Bun venit in Iad!
Ce sa-i faci… ghinionul… dar, acum daca tot esti in Iad…. ce ramane de facut?
Fii atent!
Cine stie, poate e o gluma. O gluma cosmica.
Cred ca Dumnezeu are simtul umorului. Adora momentele acelea de tip “Camera Ascunsa” cand, dupa socul initial, “victimele” realizeaza ca-i doar o gluma si izbucnesc in ras.
Asadar, fii atent la indicii. Daca esti atent, le gasesti la tot pasul.
Pus pe sotii, Dumnezeu ne lasa in fata ochilor o lume “distrusa” iar pe la spate adauga binecuvantare dupa binecuvantare curios sa vada cate poate pune pana sa ne dam seama si sa izbucnim in ras.
De aceea persoanele “trezite” sunt mai tot timpul cu zambetul pe buze. Stiu gluma!
Se mai naruie o dorinta, mai pleaca cineva drag de langa ei, pierd ceva sau se dau cu capul de un prag. Si totusi, cei “treziti” stiu, stiu fara nici un dubiu ca totul e o mare gluma.
Zambesc si incep sa se uite in jur: “Ce-ai mai pregatit pentru mine Doamne? Iar te tii de sotii… Ce? Crezi ca n-am vazut curcubeul ala de ieri?”
Monday, June 15, 2009
Nu omorati dragostea. Adorati-o!
Stateam si ma gandeam la dragoste. Cum vine ea? cand se instaleaza? de ce?
Cum de ne indragostim asa, mereu si mereu?! Si cat dureaza dragostea?
Cica ar dura 3 ani. Ei, ash! Nu mai spune! Refuz sa cred ca doar atat. Refuz sa numar dragostea in ani. Pentru ce? Nu am de ce! Dragostea nu se masoara asa. Nu se masoara deloc. Ea exista si gata! Si da, dragostea dureaza mai mult de 3 ani. Mult mai mult.
Dragostea apare exact cand te astepti mai putin. Poate esti liber s-o primesti, sau poate nu. Poate o vezi din prima, sau poate nu. Poate ti-e dat sa o primesti sau poate.... Dar te indragostesti. Dupa atata vreme, atatea experiente sentimentale, mi-am dat seama de un lucru extrem de esential intr-o relatie: fidelitatea. Cat de important este sa fii doar tu si el, partenerul tau. Prietenul tau. Iubitul tau. Amantul tau. Sotul tau. E minunat sa incerci sentimentul sigurantei si dulceata unei dimineti de duminica alaturi de iubit.
Dragii mei,nu o omorati. Adorati-o.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
EmPower! Şi totul devine mai uşor!
Sunt abonată la articolele de la Empower, dezvoltare personală, iar unele sunt delicioase şi merită savurate sau citite pe nerăsuflate. Îndrăzneşte să visezi!
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Posted: 05 Jun 2009 11:15 PM PDT Vreau sa fiu nebuna… stati linistiti n-am luat-o pe ulei. Vreau sa fiu nebuna dupa vise care pot deveni realitate, vreau sa fiu nebuna dupa idei care ma implinesc ca om, vreau sa fiu nebuna dupa dragoste care ma face sa am inima plina, vreau sa fiu nebuna dupa natura care imi arata ca minunile chiar exista, vreau viata mea sa fie o nebunie de culori care ma fac sa ma simt vie. Azi am avut un moment in care ma gandeam ca sunt pe cale sa imi pierd speranta, ca poate cea mai buna solutie ar fi sa depun armele si sa iau o pauza. Insa mi-am adus aminte de nebunia mea de anul trecut cand am inceput totul, mi-am adus aminte de copilarie cand eram atat de curajoasa si am retrait din nou nebunia unui vis. De multe ori te gandesti in viata: vreau prea multe, sunt eu prea pretentios(oasa), poate asa trebuie sa fie viata mea, mediocra… ca poate atata pot. Ei… nu e asa. In viata putem foarte multe, important e sa ne dorim si sa credem in acele lucruri ca si cum le-am avea deja. Fac acest lucru cu mine, cu clientii mei si rezultatele vin atunci cand “suntem nebuni”, atunci cand chiar daca tot in jurul tau iti spune: “s-ar putea sa nu reusesti”, “oare din ce te vei intretine”, “oare vei avea succes” si tu o tii una si buna. ![]() Prin ce etape trebuie sa trecem ca sa ajungem sa spunem: “wow, am reusit, mi-am implinit visul”!
![]() Cine mi se alatura? Ma gasiti pe PsihoStrategic.ro. Mai nou ofer astfel de “doze de nebunie” prin sedinte de coaching ONLINE. Mi-ar placea sa impartasim cat mai multe vise implinite. ![]() |
Friday, June 05, 2009
Cine a avut aşa ceva când era mic?









Trebuie să recunosc frumos că ...eu nu! Ce-mi mai rămâne de făcut?!? Şi mai trebuie să spun că aveam pe palierul blocului, atunci când stăteam în Iancului-Pantelimon, două gemene ale căror părinţi aveau destui bani şi erau plimbaţi prin Germania bine, încât veneau cu idei trăznite de amenajare a camerei celor două fetiţe. Aşa se face că atunci am văzut pentru prima oară cum e o cameră aranjată mai...altfel. Aveau steluţe pe pereţi - lucru nemaivăzut pe vremea lui Ceauşescu, veioze cu becuri colorate şi multe "chestii" care atârnau din tavan, creând astfel o atmosferă de vis. Priveam cu jind la cameră lor, însă atunci când ieşeam din apartament şi ajungeam la mine în cameră, tot mai frumos mi se părea la mine decât oriunde în altă parte. Probabil pentru că ai mei au avut întotdeauna grijă să mă facă să mă simţ acasă, atât pe mine cât şi pe surioară mea. Anii au trecut, lucrurile s-au schimbat, am crescut şi acum visăm la propria noastră cameră pentru copilul ce va să vină....
PS. Mie personal îmi place a cincea şi a şasea imagine. Bine....şi ultima. ;))
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Noaptea şi visele
Visul de azi-noapte avea simbolurile astea:
Te intrebi dacă visele se împlinesc? dacă eu cred el ele? E-o întrebare întrebătoare....
PANTOFI: drum nou, depăşirea limitelor proprii; desperecheat- căutarea unui partener, singurătate, lipsa sentimentului de iubire, dorinţa de a găsi partenerul potrivit fie într-o relaţie de afaceri fie într-una de iubire; vechi - lâncezeală, lipsa de curaj şi de iniţiativă. > Erau pereche:) ce bine!
FEREASTRA: deschisă- speranţă în viitor, optimism, inteligenţă şi viziune completă asupra unor situaţii; închisă – pesimism, renunţare, ţi se diminuează şansele, teama de ceea ce poate aduce viitorul. > era deschisă, saream pe ea din şi în casă.
NOAPTE : teamă de singurătate, emoţional te simti neînteles, căutarea sensului vieţii, introspecţie, ieşirea la suprafaţă a tuturor fricilor tale, situaţii în care vei fi provocat.
Te intrebi dacă visele se împlinesc? dacă eu cred el ele? E-o întrebare întrebătoare....
Optimistic approach of life and success
Optimistic approach of life and success
The art of being happy has been discussed in many articles over the time and thus it has always new views about the way one should see life and enjoy themselves. We know we should be more relaxed, instead we stress all the time. We are aware that we have to change something in our daily comportment and still doing nothing about it. And we DO know that we should spend more time with family doing simple little activities that count a lot for us, but instead we keep having a full crazy working schedule that hold us apart and extenuates our bodies so that when we arrive home all we want is to sleep. When we got such careless about small but important things in our lives? So, what means to be optimistic? What means to show a smile all the time, no matter what? What is to be done in order to see things more relaxed and, therefore, enjoy life? Optimistic view can mean to be able to see and recognize the good part in every situation, to enjoy every sun shine that reflects the earth, to see the full part of the glass and to smile all the time. It seems difficult to do all this when we live in this crazy world, when all that matters is material part and all we see are car accidents, fly crash, unbearable new diseases and now – the Swine Flu that threaten the whole world!
Get started!
If you been accustomed with pessimistic views all your life it doesn’t matter that can’t change: review your comportment, see what has to be changed, deal with the issues you find and start over: a new beginning always offers you a new chance to make things different. Try to see things from a different point of view, smile all the time even if you have no reason to do it, emphasis with all the people you meet even you don’t feel like, even if you don’t like the person – this will grow your self-confidence and so you can succeed before you know it! Alter all, a smile can only bring another! So, for example, if you don’t like the office you’re working in, make the place more pleasant; bring some of your personal stuff and place them on your desk – just be carefully not to choose things that are too personal (and you don’t want others to see). Or, if you are unhappy about the way your house is settle or how the furniture arrangements are in place, change them all! You don’t necessary need to buy new furniture or to move in a new house, but you can rearrange the items in your room and it will look different, just by placing them in a new corner and light. Get a corner lamp and place it strategically to light up the room in a sophisticated way. Or you could buy a new coffee table which will serve as a point of interest to the whole room! There are a lot of things you can do, and, as you change the furniture items in your room, you can very well change the way you see things, the way you interact with some situation that you may consider matter of conflict. You may not believe in such things, but maybe the way furniture pieces are arranged in your house may interfere with your state of being: relaxed or stressful, enthusiastic or not, happy or unhappy.
So, you want to be happy, isn’t it? Happiness has more to do with achieving your goals.
How many people think about success as a state of being? Do they begin to see it all under their eyes or is this a growing process? I believe everything starts with the view about something. The attitude we have about the people, things and situations. How often do you find yourself wondering and saying “I’ll be happy if I’ll earn more money” or “if I move to a new house I’ll have more privacy and thus I’ll be happy”? Like this state of being happy depends on the house you live in or the money you hold in a bank account. Of course, they are important, but not as important as you are. Yes, you.
“Success is not only more money, promotion and social status. It is also more happiness, harmonious relationships and spiritual growth.”(Remez Sasson)
So think about it: happiness is more related to the way you place yourself in the puzzle than with your social or financial status. Don’t think about the goods you own or the salary your boss pays you. I know a friend that has a good salary and still he wants more and more, being unhappy about the department he works in and his colleagues being unmindful. Ignore - if possible - all this and concentrate on your job. Try to live the moment, enjoy a coffee with your friends and think positive all the time, you have nothing to lose!
To bring optimism in your life, meditation is very important. You can start meditate about where you are now and then about where you want to be. To achieve new goals or to solve a ticklish situation, you should first feel comfortable with what you already have and use that as a point of beginning for new actions that needs to be done. Meditation implies silence, solitude, interior peace, a receptive attitude and the suspension of all normal psychological processes (like memory, phantasm or future plans). Think in deep what is what you want and how you want and the answer should come with no delay. Success is an important part of life; if you’re optimistic you can succeed faster and easier because things tend to happen naturally when you embrace life with a smile.
“When the mind thinks of success, the outside world mirrors these thoughts.”
And yes! You have to see the top of the pyramid to start its construction. If you see the picture then the construction it will almost build itself because you designed and thought about it and so thoughts are working for you. If you see yourself where you want to be, then the ‘problem’ is 50% solved. You should start by making a plan that will link the most important steps you need to take in order to succeed:
1. Know what you want to achieve: set up your goal by knowing exactly what you wish for and make it real by remembering every single day what is what you really want.
2. Make positive thinking an everyday habit. And stay with it!
3. Doing things you really enjoy, but you don’t necessary realize you enjoy, like small daily things you do as: staying with family, reading a good book, watching a good TV documentary, eating something you like or having a tea or coffee in the morning hours.
“The image you have of yourself is responsible for the way people see and treat you.”
Self-confidence is really important when it comes for success. If you don’t believe in yourself, why should others? Simply realize that you are no less than any other people and that you deserve the best. How is that? Well, here is my personal example. When I was in my first University year, at the very beginning, I didn’t know any of my future colleagues and I was very shy to ask one another to see if they belong to my language department. So, as I was older than the majority, I thought that would be a great idea to use the teacher’s desk to draw my colleagues’ attention. So I step aside and said: “Hello, my name is Cristina Păruş”. In a second, there was total silence. They all staring at me while thinking “that must be the teacher for the induction course!” but I wasn’t their teacher, I was their colleague and they didn’t notice until I asked for all the people how were enrolled to English-Spanish class to step aside and group together. This was how I first interact with my colleagues. The image that they perceived about my person was way above my expectations, because from that moment on, I stopped being that timid girl I used to be. No more I said to myself and there I was! What I’m trying to say is that people do not your personality unless you link them with a picture about yourself. They do not know you are shy and insecure, unless you let them see that part of you. Many speakers and trainers have a part that makes them feel uncomfortable, maybe not fully secure, but they don’t let us to see that part! Learn from them!
As a conclusion
In the end, we have to understand that this life we only live it once, every moment passing by won’t come back and every hour going beside us will mean a good hour or a bad hour. It depends on how we make it happen: would you let life passing by with bad remarks and frowning faces or …will you chose to live this life at its full capacity and enjoy every moment? It depends on how you want it to be.
Just remember
1). Always see the good, light part of things
2). Try to admit you are subject to mistakes sometimes
3). Be proactive!
4). Smile all the time, no matter what
5). Enjoy every single thing in your life.
The art of being happy has been discussed in many articles over the time and thus it has always new views about the way one should see life and enjoy themselves. We know we should be more relaxed, instead we stress all the time. We are aware that we have to change something in our daily comportment and still doing nothing about it. And we DO know that we should spend more time with family doing simple little activities that count a lot for us, but instead we keep having a full crazy working schedule that hold us apart and extenuates our bodies so that when we arrive home all we want is to sleep. When we got such careless about small but important things in our lives? So, what means to be optimistic? What means to show a smile all the time, no matter what? What is to be done in order to see things more relaxed and, therefore, enjoy life? Optimistic view can mean to be able to see and recognize the good part in every situation, to enjoy every sun shine that reflects the earth, to see the full part of the glass and to smile all the time. It seems difficult to do all this when we live in this crazy world, when all that matters is material part and all we see are car accidents, fly crash, unbearable new diseases and now – the Swine Flu that threaten the whole world!
Get started!
If you been accustomed with pessimistic views all your life it doesn’t matter that can’t change: review your comportment, see what has to be changed, deal with the issues you find and start over: a new beginning always offers you a new chance to make things different. Try to see things from a different point of view, smile all the time even if you have no reason to do it, emphasis with all the people you meet even you don’t feel like, even if you don’t like the person – this will grow your self-confidence and so you can succeed before you know it! Alter all, a smile can only bring another! So, for example, if you don’t like the office you’re working in, make the place more pleasant; bring some of your personal stuff and place them on your desk – just be carefully not to choose things that are too personal (and you don’t want others to see). Or, if you are unhappy about the way your house is settle or how the furniture arrangements are in place, change them all! You don’t necessary need to buy new furniture or to move in a new house, but you can rearrange the items in your room and it will look different, just by placing them in a new corner and light. Get a corner lamp and place it strategically to light up the room in a sophisticated way. Or you could buy a new coffee table which will serve as a point of interest to the whole room! There are a lot of things you can do, and, as you change the furniture items in your room, you can very well change the way you see things, the way you interact with some situation that you may consider matter of conflict. You may not believe in such things, but maybe the way furniture pieces are arranged in your house may interfere with your state of being: relaxed or stressful, enthusiastic or not, happy or unhappy.
So, you want to be happy, isn’t it? Happiness has more to do with achieving your goals.
How many people think about success as a state of being? Do they begin to see it all under their eyes or is this a growing process? I believe everything starts with the view about something. The attitude we have about the people, things and situations. How often do you find yourself wondering and saying “I’ll be happy if I’ll earn more money” or “if I move to a new house I’ll have more privacy and thus I’ll be happy”? Like this state of being happy depends on the house you live in or the money you hold in a bank account. Of course, they are important, but not as important as you are. Yes, you.
“Success is not only more money, promotion and social status. It is also more happiness, harmonious relationships and spiritual growth.”(Remez Sasson)
So think about it: happiness is more related to the way you place yourself in the puzzle than with your social or financial status. Don’t think about the goods you own or the salary your boss pays you. I know a friend that has a good salary and still he wants more and more, being unhappy about the department he works in and his colleagues being unmindful. Ignore - if possible - all this and concentrate on your job. Try to live the moment, enjoy a coffee with your friends and think positive all the time, you have nothing to lose!
To bring optimism in your life, meditation is very important. You can start meditate about where you are now and then about where you want to be. To achieve new goals or to solve a ticklish situation, you should first feel comfortable with what you already have and use that as a point of beginning for new actions that needs to be done. Meditation implies silence, solitude, interior peace, a receptive attitude and the suspension of all normal psychological processes (like memory, phantasm or future plans). Think in deep what is what you want and how you want and the answer should come with no delay. Success is an important part of life; if you’re optimistic you can succeed faster and easier because things tend to happen naturally when you embrace life with a smile.
“When the mind thinks of success, the outside world mirrors these thoughts.”
And yes! You have to see the top of the pyramid to start its construction. If you see the picture then the construction it will almost build itself because you designed and thought about it and so thoughts are working for you. If you see yourself where you want to be, then the ‘problem’ is 50% solved. You should start by making a plan that will link the most important steps you need to take in order to succeed:
1. Know what you want to achieve: set up your goal by knowing exactly what you wish for and make it real by remembering every single day what is what you really want.
2. Make positive thinking an everyday habit. And stay with it!
3. Doing things you really enjoy, but you don’t necessary realize you enjoy, like small daily things you do as: staying with family, reading a good book, watching a good TV documentary, eating something you like or having a tea or coffee in the morning hours.
“The image you have of yourself is responsible for the way people see and treat you.”
Self-confidence is really important when it comes for success. If you don’t believe in yourself, why should others? Simply realize that you are no less than any other people and that you deserve the best. How is that? Well, here is my personal example. When I was in my first University year, at the very beginning, I didn’t know any of my future colleagues and I was very shy to ask one another to see if they belong to my language department. So, as I was older than the majority, I thought that would be a great idea to use the teacher’s desk to draw my colleagues’ attention. So I step aside and said: “Hello, my name is Cristina Păruş”. In a second, there was total silence. They all staring at me while thinking “that must be the teacher for the induction course!” but I wasn’t their teacher, I was their colleague and they didn’t notice until I asked for all the people how were enrolled to English-Spanish class to step aside and group together. This was how I first interact with my colleagues. The image that they perceived about my person was way above my expectations, because from that moment on, I stopped being that timid girl I used to be. No more I said to myself and there I was! What I’m trying to say is that people do not your personality unless you link them with a picture about yourself. They do not know you are shy and insecure, unless you let them see that part of you. Many speakers and trainers have a part that makes them feel uncomfortable, maybe not fully secure, but they don’t let us to see that part! Learn from them!
As a conclusion
In the end, we have to understand that this life we only live it once, every moment passing by won’t come back and every hour going beside us will mean a good hour or a bad hour. It depends on how we make it happen: would you let life passing by with bad remarks and frowning faces or …will you chose to live this life at its full capacity and enjoy every moment? It depends on how you want it to be.
Just remember
1). Always see the good, light part of things
2). Try to admit you are subject to mistakes sometimes
3). Be proactive!
4). Smile all the time, no matter what
5). Enjoy every single thing in your life.
Oficial imi merge bine
Deci....oficial imi merge bine...voua? :D
astazi sa spunem ca e prima zi pentru acest blog, desi el e in viata din 2007. :)
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Carucior sau bicicleta? Ambele!
Un prieten mi-a trimis link catre acest video si uitandu-ma la video mi-am adus aminte ca imi doresc si eu asa ceva, dar si cu fetita din dotare care o sa fie bruneta si tot cu parul ondulat. Prietenii stiu de ce. ;))
V-aţi gândit vreodată?
Cam câte contacte aveţi în lista de messenger şi cu câte vorbiţi în mod frecvent? Am făcut aşa un calcul şi sunt cam ...169 de contacte în lista mea de messenger, din care trebuie să mai scad cel puţin vreo 2-3 care sunt dubluri de cont ale unor persoane. Plus cele cu care nu vorbesc în mod curent, care sunt mult mai multe. Să zicem cam trei sferturi din lista de messenger. În fiecare zi, vorbesc cu aproximativ noua persoane. Doar noua din cele ...169!
În curând, mai exact pe 13 iunie a.c., Yahoo 360 se va închide aşadar cei care susţineau cu adevărat un blog acolo vor trebui să-şi caute un alt loc. Mă gândeam aici la o prietenă din America pe numele ei...tot Cristina, care ar putea să se mute pe blogger începând cu 13. :) Dacă ai ajuns aici, dragă Cristina, te invit să laşi un comment că să ştiu de unde să te iau. ;))
pupici şi...pe mai târziu!
The Art of Being Happy
I found this article very interesting and use it as an inspiration.
by Michael Atma
Shared via AddThis
While there are thousands of ways that stress can drive you crazy thank goodness there are some real easy ways to get rid of it. One of the simplest that I have come across and still use to this day is the power of happiness.
Many of the people I coach tell me that it’s impossible for them to laugh or be happy when they are stressed. The problem for them is that they are right.
You see, quite often it’s the way you look at things that is the problem, not the circumstances you find yourself in. It’s like the saying goes, ‘Whether you think you can or you think you can’t you’re right!’
If happiness is a destination you are waiting to arrive at then you could be in for a long ride. The assumption here for people is that happiness comes from outside of you.
Author's Bio
Michael Atma, author of numerous personal development books and audios, helps thousands of people every month to enjoy easy stress management tips for improved health, happiness and peace of mind. In less than 3 minutes you can get started on instant relaxation techniques for your mind, body and spirit.
Shared via AddThis
While there are thousands of ways that stress can drive you crazy thank goodness there are some real easy ways to get rid of it. One of the simplest that I have come across and still use to this day is the power of happiness.
Many of the people I coach tell me that it’s impossible for them to laugh or be happy when they are stressed. The problem for them is that they are right.
You see, quite often it’s the way you look at things that is the problem, not the circumstances you find yourself in. It’s like the saying goes, ‘Whether you think you can or you think you can’t you’re right!’
If happiness is a destination you are waiting to arrive at then you could be in for a long ride. The assumption here for people is that happiness comes from outside of you.
Author's Bio
Michael Atma, author of numerous personal development books and audios, helps thousands of people every month to enjoy easy stress management tips for improved health, happiness and peace of mind. In less than 3 minutes you can get started on instant relaxation techniques for your mind, body and spirit.
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