Adevărul o să vă facă liberi, dar înainte de asta o să vă supere rău de tot. Restul e poveste!

The truth will set you free, but first it will hurt your bones. The rest is history!


Marry a man who you can talk with, who you can communicate with, and you marry happiness. (No, that’s not a quotation from one of those “smart” books that teach you how to manage your relationship. That is my acceptation and those are my words.)

DIN 25 MARTIE 2011 ma gasiti pe Ne vedem acolo!

Monday, April 04, 2011

All about Dynamic Views for Authors

All about Dynamic Views for Authors Blogger now offers you the ability to present your content in several new and exciting ways. These dynamic views will work on your blog if all of the following are true: •Your blog is public. Your readers don’t need to sign in to view your blog. •Your blog has feeds fully enabled. In the Settings Site feed tab, you have enabled either Full or Jump Break for your Post Feed. •You have not disabled dynamic views. In the Setting Formatting tab, the option for Enable Dynamic Views is set to Yes.If any of the above conditions are not true, users who attempt to access dynamic views for your blog will instead be taken to a landing page and redirected to your original blog in a few seconds. If all of the above conditions are true, your readers can access the dynamic views for your blog by simply appending /view to the URL. For example, our own blog, Blogger Buzz, is available at To see this blog in the new dynamic views, users would instead visit Or if they wished to visit a particular view directly, such as the Flipcard view, they would simply visit Please note that these views do not currently support many of the features your original blog may have, including displaying advertisements. For this reason we have provided the option for you to disable dynamic views in your Settings page. We intend to add these missing capabilities over the coming months as well as let you personalize these views, including providing an option to set a particular view as the default. For more information, please take a look at the article on Dynamic Views for Readers. To provide us with feedback on these views, please complete this form.
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