Or vice versa, it does not matter. But this song reminds me of old times ;)
This is the short version. Notice the number on the wall? 2011! I wonder why when this was posted on YouTube on May 11, ....2007!
I like even more the full version here:
Watch it thoughtfully! ;))
Adevărul o să vă facă liberi, dar înainte de asta o să vă supere rău de tot. Restul e poveste!
The truth will set you free, but first it will hurt your bones. The rest is history!
Marry a man who you can talk with, who you can communicate with, and you marry happiness. (No, that’s not a quotation from one of those “smart” books that teach you how to manage your relationship. That is my acceptation and those are my words.)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Just another brownie
These days I was to visit some bran-new big shop recently opened. I wasn’t alone, Rodi was with me and we saw around…..but next day I was back in the shop: the other night I didn’t get to see it all. Maybe that’s why is called Big Shop. For that matter is really, but really BIG> I could get lost in there. And never get enoght to see and come over and overagain. You can find from funky jewels to clothes and cosmetics. But I just love the home&design decoration area were you can find all the things you may need to (re)decorate your house! Of course, you don’t need them all. In my opinion, less is more, and your house should have only the basics. But no, we people tend to change it all the time, redecorate it, wanting for something else, something different. You don’t need all those things. Neither do I. But I want them. No, I don’t really need them.
All in one, I love the coffee shop where you can have a coffee or a hot chocolate for less than 1 euro and that’s fantastic. A bright idea to open a coffee shop inside a store! What’s more is that’s sooooo tasty! mmmmmiaaam! I could fall in love and come over and over again to shop just to stop for a coffee! They knew what they were doing when opening that! Here is a photo with a coffee shop corner.
All in one, I love the coffee shop where you can have a coffee or a hot chocolate for less than 1 euro and that’s fantastic. A bright idea to open a coffee shop inside a store! What’s more is that’s sooooo tasty! mmmmmiaaam! I could fall in love and come over and over again to shop just to stop for a coffee! They knew what they were doing when opening that! Here is a photo with a coffee shop corner.
Monday, October 25, 2010
I can almost smell Christmas
It’s still far away, but this morning when I woke up and saw the fog outside I said there must be Christmas coming on its way! And with the window wide open, I was totally convinced that winter is just around the corner. My dear boyfriend was still sleeping so I went back to sleep just to wake up another 2 hours later.
And today I met with my Avon beauty adviser who handle me the products I’ve ordered last week: a pomegranate & chocolate moisturising foot cream which by the way, smells great and I would use it not just for foot but only for my hand ) hihi or for the body. Why they don’t do this in 100-200ml body cream? Another thing was a mineral gems glamorous gold hand cream who smells so soft…..and another 2 pencil eyes in sugar plum (which is some violet mixed black) and another one in emerald glow, a dark green like colour which I’ve expected to be more brighter than it shows in reality. They both shine and are glamorous. Well, all in one, I have received the new catalogue for Holiday and I just found some interesting products to buy in there….{she knew I’m gonna love this} … but until then, I have to work on my budget ) I think I may buy another pomegranate & chocolate cream because this is a limited edition and I don’t want to miss that!
And today I met with my Avon beauty adviser who handle me the products I’ve ordered last week: a pomegranate & chocolate moisturising foot cream which by the way, smells great and I would use it not just for foot but only for my hand ) hihi or for the body. Why they don’t do this in 100-200ml body cream? Another thing was a mineral gems glamorous gold hand cream who smells so soft…..and another 2 pencil eyes in sugar plum (which is some violet mixed black) and another one in emerald glow, a dark green like colour which I’ve expected to be more brighter than it shows in reality. They both shine and are glamorous. Well, all in one, I have received the new catalogue for Holiday and I just found some interesting products to buy in there….{she knew I’m gonna love this} … but until then, I have to work on my budget ) I think I may buy another pomegranate & chocolate cream because this is a limited edition and I don’t want to miss that!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Introduction: Chocolate.com is proud to introduce you to William Dean Chocolates, a member of our global chocolate network since April, 2009. William Dean Chocolates is based in Largo, FL and has 10 products available for purchase in the Chocolate.com online store. To browse William Dean Chocolates products, please click here.
About: William Dean Chocolates was named as one of the "2010 Best Chocolatiers and Confectioners in America" by TasteTV. In 2008, William Dean Chocolates was one of the winners in the "Next Generation Chocolatier Competition". William Dean Chocolates recently won 11 Golds at the San Francisco Chocolate Salon and was winner of Best in Show at the New York Chocolate Show for its Cassis Crunch bon bon. We have been featured on The View as one of Whoopi's "Must Have" items. William Dean Chocolates follows the artisan tradition of creating everything we make by hand, in small batches and without preservatives. At William Dean Chocolates, we excite the eye and intrigue the palate with works of art made from only the finest ingredients.
About: William Dean Chocolates was named as one of the "2010 Best Chocolatiers and Confectioners in America" by TasteTV. In 2008, William Dean Chocolates was one of the winners in the "Next Generation Chocolatier Competition". William Dean Chocolates recently won 11 Golds at the San Francisco Chocolate Salon and was winner of Best in Show at the New York Chocolate Show for its Cassis Crunch bon bon. We have been featured on The View as one of Whoopi's "Must Have" items. William Dean Chocolates follows the artisan tradition of creating everything we make by hand, in small batches and without preservatives. At William Dean Chocolates, we excite the eye and intrigue the palate with works of art made from only the finest ingredients.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Harta schimbarilor astronomice in pragul lui 2012 (Oreste Teodorescu)
Urmaresc blogul lui Oreste si sunt sigura ca intr-o oarecare masura si voi sunteti curiosi ce-o sa se intample in 2012. O sa se intample ceva? Si daca da, ce anume? Intrebari fara raspunsuri certe....
....continuarea pe blogul Oreste Teodorescu
In sec. al XIX-lea, astronomul englez sir Edmund Halley, urmarind firmamentul a descoperit ca trei stele aflate in Pleiade si localizate in constelatia Taurului aveau cu totul alte pozitii decat cele transmise de anticii astronomi greci.Ori ce eroare comisa fie de Halley, fie de precursorii sai, poate fi trecuta cu vederea intrucat diferentele de cartografiere sunt foarte mari. De aici, britanicul a tras concluzia ca Pleiadele se misca dupa un sistem bine organizat. Peste aproximativ un secol, astronomul german Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel va confirma teoria lui Halley.Ulterior, alti astronomi, printre care si spaniolul Jose Comas y Sola au incercat sa postuleze ca Plediadele si alte stele fac parte dintr-un sistem planetar propriu. Dupa ce s-a descoperit steaua principala (soarele) din Pleiade, numita Alcion s-a calculat ca sistemul nostru solar are nevoie de aproximativ 25.000 de ani (anul platonician) ca sa-si parcurga revolutia in jurul lui Alcion inainte de a reveni la punctul de plecare si ca intre galaxia noastra si sistemul Pleiadelor exista o nebuloasa gigantica situata la 400 de ani lumina de Pamant.
....continuarea pe blogul Oreste Teodorescu
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Cand incet incet ajungi sa te aproprii de o varsta, incepi sa te speri putin. Cand ajungi acolo, realizezi ca nimic nu s-a schimbat.
Desi totul se schimba. Se schimba in permanenta. E inevitabil. Nici sa te intorci la 17 ani nu poti. Inchipuie-ti ca te-ai putea intoarce in timp de fiecare data cand ai vrea, la un moment dat te-ai plictisi. Dar e genul ala de plictiseala pe care noi oamenii nu-l intelegem, pentru ca nu l-am experimentat niciodata, desi suntem nemuritori. Sufletele noastre cel putin sunt, caci corpurile le tot schimbam din cand in cand. Si ata e cat se poate de clar cand aud din ce in ce mai multe persoane spunand ca au un sentiment de deja-vu. Oare de ce? Daca ar fi sa ma gandesc de cate ori l-am avut eu, n-as termina de scris nici in 100 de zile.
Mereu m-am gandit la 30 ca la o cifra oarecare, foarte departe de mine. 30 3 asociata cu maturitatea, cu implinirea, cu reusitele, mai mari sau mai mici. 30 poate nu e doar o cifra rotunda, poate e putin mai mult. Si cand mai ai o zi si oficial implinesti 30 de ani, te simti putin aiurea. Te gadila putin obiceiul sa tragi linie si sa vezi ce iese, ca deh, asa fac toti. Dar eu n-am inteles de ce linia asta trebuie sa fie mai colorata decat cea de la 24 sau de la 32 de ani. Ce conteaza ca e 30, cu un "0" perfect rotund? Inevitabil cazi intr-o stare melancolica, mai ales cand la geam se aud stropi de ploaie. Insa cum imi place sa cred ca-s o optimista, am alungat de dimineata toate melancoliile astea cu o cafea cu miere si niste biscuiti Digesta. Ah! Si-un ceai fierbinte acum!
PS. Acum 30 de ani, 6 octombrie venea cu mult soare sclipitor si cu vreo 29 de grade in termometre. Asa ca e musai sa sclipsesc si eu :P
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